Monero OLD-MINI.P2Pool.Observer

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How to join P2Pool :: Guide on how to run a Monero and P2Pool node by Seth :: P2Pool Bonus Hash Rate Raffle by XMRvsBEAST

Latest releases: P2Pool v4.0 10.2 day(s) ago :: Monero v0.18.3.3 99.9 day(s) ago

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Share information

P2Pool Height P2Pool Template Id Monero Height Monero Id
7972373 b999e4a6a5588d162bd1c6e33aca0259f005dbedecc82e5327b8cad6efa32d1f 3190019 c7fb83af0275e168dfdc0b67cd05bc0382ab1cf3a168d1f7ca77bc10f9e55032
Age [h:m:s] PoW Hash Found by Difficulty
59:04:59:12 / 06:11:10 a9eec6fdf0a0e2f718b0afe9eea1da6f4302349b0979dda52fc210a0d1950000 49S237ASgk...VofFXpwc4f 100000 / 111983
Valuation Coinbase Id Coinbase Reward Coinbase Private Key
100% 4e9292551f984b92499ac39ff9677c73c49ac77ea545147429b5e4448c1d3252 0.600000000000 XMR c08cfc4bafde0aa7ecf36cbdb450ebdc9f6b5a74ec291344744ec8bbfacfe90a
Nonce Cumulative Difficulty Extra Nonce Monero Target Difficulty
4294936801 0000000000000000000211b891e50887 4053677945 285441678897
Software Version Signaling Deterministic Private Key Seed
Not present v1 (no known signaling) ce0fa8dd2f3b736407386e4ada16b775f0417f0e75da4036910791d81191b5cf

Payouts share was weighted into

Monero Height P2Pool Height Age [h:m:s] Reward Global Output Index Coinbase Transaction Payout Proof

Share is inside the PPLNS window. Any Monero blocks found during this period by any P2Pool miner will provide a direct payout.

Coinbase Transaction

012fef326105b9b0822c469c8b204daf37a648f1c0d98435ad18d9f4e087af73c8 020479379ef1 0320b999e4a6a5588d162bd1c6e33aca0259f005dbedecc82e5327b8cad6efa32d1f
Output Index Ephemeral Public Key Miner Address Reward Share
0 414a6d73b3eb93ed40c8d034b7f7d22ecbeed487715f15c4850cf0bf651573e9 44xH4XSGhA...EWxKLgu4uw 0.422273567467 XMR
1 0f30b35eb887eea5669d8d5f93570d964722bbed075b28ad903c8fb6f829fd01 49S237ASgk...VofFXpwc4f 0.177726432533 XMR